Who knew I'd ever end up living is good-old southern California. It's truly a different culture here. California is the place where people feel guilty about all the wrong things. By and large the people here love to kick time-tested morality to the curb, instead choosing to fight for the most fashionable cause of the day - even if it doesnt make sense. Take catastrophic man-made global warming for example. Over in Santa Barbara they want to paint a $12000 blue line to represent the area that will be under water when the sea level rises due to the consequences of global warming. As if there was nothing better to do. Likewise you've never seen so many people proudly drive "eco-friendly" prius's as you do in this state. For all the non-sensible chatter we hear about mankind [i.e. america] causing global warming, I'm relieved to see that the tide is finally turning.
Read this story:
http://www.dailytech.com/Blogger+finds+Y2K+bug+in+NASA+Climate+Data/article8383.htmThough I'm sure it didnt make any headlines like the alarmist stories always do, NASA quietly corrected their mistake that led many greenies to believe 1998 was the hottest year ever recorded and thus fuel the fire that things are only getting worse as the economy expands. The corrected data now shows 1938 as the hottest year on record - confirming what we should all know by now- the earth warms and cools on its own and we dont have thousands of years of accurate temperature information to know if there is any sort of abnormal warming (or cooling) trend. Thankfully, more and more people are starting to realize that there's little more than environmentalist propaganda [*cough* al gore *cough*] to support the notion that your car exhaust is causing hurricanes, killing polar bears, and raising the ocean . Add this story to the mounting evidence debunking the myth of man-made catastrophic global warming and we may just start solving the real problems in this state. *sigh* I wish I could believe that.